 second prize 2007/2009
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In this current world, in constant development and process of change, the cycle of renovation emerges.
Despite of being connected with a linear process like Evolution, it becomes a reiterative phenomenon. It is shown that when due to the advance of science and technology, new elements appear and because of its optimization they will replace other ones in our daily life.
This event is currently specified in the field of image, music and data storage. We can remember with yearning our parent´s vinyls and cassettes that we recorded when we were young. Now, our houses are packed of CDs and DVDs towers. Some of them do not work, others are not listened anymore and other storage systems like the iPod have taken their place.
Why not recover these elements and give them a second opportunity? This is our starting point of the proposal.
The modulation of the project allows the terraces to be adapted to several conditions of the place where it is located.
The module is composed of a light steel structure. All the joints are screwed to make the construction faster and also allow the future disassembly.
The façade is made of glass, with a great visual and light permeability. Inside, the second skin consists of towers of recycled CDs and DVDs which offer a great solar protection and privacy for the customers during the day. The changing colour of the CDs surfaces makes a dynamic interior with static elements. At night, these towers become lamps that generate an edge and ambient light along the terrace.
All metal work of the façade can be swivelled during warm and hot days to allow crossed ventilation and improve the comfort and temperature conditions inside the terrace.


Terrace Prototypes in Madrid
Book-Fair Stand in Madrid
Exhibition Stand for Canarian Government
'Media City'for M2016
Parish Center in Madrid
Warehouses Design in Jaen
New Lawyers Association Building in Ciudad Real
Nursery in Palma de Mallorca
Bicentenary Landmark in Cadiz
Parish Center in Jaen
Facade Refurbishment of the Basilica of the Mercy in Madrid
Social Housing Building in Toledo
Facades Design in Gandia
Alteration of a Flat in Madrid
Ice Cream Stalls in Madrid
Sports Center in Madrid

   3D&design works