 first prize 2008
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Temporality and reuse. Both terms are the most outstanding words in the suggested program and they became the main premises for the proposal:
Temporality. It is an ephemeral place.
Reuse. A different place, a different use, without losing the genesis of the approach.
The strategy for the development of the site should provide a recognizable image, an image architecturally attractive and being capable of linking itself with the Madrid Olympic candidature.
One idea: 'a field of daisies'
The construction system is based on the repetition of a single piece - the "flower". Its development produces a complex of formal richness and apparent randomness, like a natural process.
Each 'flower' is supported by a structural core - the 'stem' - that contains the stair and all facilities.
The cantilever bedroom units - the 'petals' - are radially attached to the core.
This system makes easier the assembly, disassembly and transport. Cores and bedroom units will be developed in industrial process and joined directly in situ.
Remove each of the bedroom units = pull the petals off
The raised layout of the units generates a free landscape on the ground floor, improves the internal communication and helps to create visual systems for orientation.
A network of tracks is proposed for electric vehicles, surrounding the cores. Common spaces and annexed services are located next to the entrance, half-buried, to preserve the permeable nature of the approach.


Terrace Prototypes in Madrid
Book-Fair Stand in Madrid
Exhibition Stand for Canarian Government
'Media City'for M2016
Parish Center in Madrid
Warehouses Design in Jaen
New Lawyers Association Building in Ciudad Real
Nursery in Palma de Mallorca
Bicentenary Landmark in Cadiz
Parish Center in Jaen
Facade Refurbishment of the Basilica of the Mercy in Madrid
Social Housing Building in Toledo
Facades Design in Gandia
Alteration of a Flat in Madrid
Ice Cream Stalls in Madrid
Sports Center in Madrid

   3D&design works