 first finalist 2009
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The Parish Center...

It consists of the Tower, the Temple and the School, all of them joined by the Plinth.
In the distance through the nearly park it will be shown like a stone background that improves and boosts the perception of the park and links directly with it. A new world, emerge from this Plinth. Three pieces with their own personality and meaning, like The Trinity, connected by the same base.

The Tower…

The structure is composed by 12 columns 25 meters high that sustain The Cross inside. It is the most representative element that connects the building to the urban environment.

The Temple…

The plan of the Temple is a distorted octagon broken by 8 alabaster windows. Natural light goes through them and generate a special atmosphere between light and shadow.
The distribution of the congregation is circular with the center placed in the high altar. All the visuals are focused on it.


Terrace Prototypes in Madrid
Book-Fair Stand in Madrid
Exhibition Stand for Canarian Government
'Media City'for M2016
Parish Center in Madrid
Warehouses Design in Jaen
New Lawyers Association Building in Ciudad Real
Nursery in Palma de Mallorca
Bicentenary Landmark in Cadiz
Parish Center in Jaen
Facade Refurbishment of the Basilica of the Mercy in Madrid
Social Housing Building in Toledo
Facades Design in Gandia
Alteration of a Flat in Madrid
Ice Cream Stalls in Madrid
Sports Center in Madrid

   3D&design works